City of Tallahassee Pays Over 100% More than Gainesville, Lakeland and Leon County for State Lobbying

City of Tallahassee Pays Over 100% More than Gainesville, Lakeland and Leon County  for State Lobbying

Being a stones throw away from the state capital does not seem to have an impact on state lobbying expenses for the City of Tallahassee. Tallahassee Reports, prompted by the revelation that the City of Tallahassee is seeking an additional $40,000 for lobbying contracts in this years budget, gathered information from other local governments about […]

City Tax Increase to Fund $40,000 Raise for Lobbyist, City Management Silent on Why

City Tax Increase to Fund $40,000 Raise for Lobbyist, City Management Silent on Why

Tallahassee Reports may have finally found an answer to City Commissioner Scott Maddox’s question about the Mayor and the City Commissioner’s budget. This part of the general government budget funds salaries and activities related to the Mayor and the four elected City Commissioners. Commissioner Scott Maddox asked about an increase in the Mayor and City […]

Recruiting Analysis Says FSU Will Be Contender

Recruiting Analysis Says FSU Will Be Contender

When asked about their success, the famous phrase spoken by humble coaches in any sport is “I have great players.” A detailed analysis of college football recruiting over the last five years indicates this statement has never been truer than in college football. The analysis, produced by a writer for SB Nation who calls himself […]

Leon County Economy Ends Slide in July, Adds 460 Jobs

Leon County Economy Ends Slide in July, Adds 460 Jobs

The latest state of Florida employment data shows that after eight consecutive months of job loses, Leon county added 460 jobs in July. This month’s job growth follows a statewide trend. At the state level, Florida added 12,000 jobs in July. In addition to Leon county, other North Florida locations rebounding from job losses in […]

Ethics Board Retains City Appointed Ethics Officer with 4-2 Vote

Ethics Board Retains City Appointed Ethics Officer with 4-2 Vote

The City’s Ethics Board, during a four hour meeting today, voted to retain the City appointed Ethics Officer, Julie Meadows-Keefe who has been a city employee for almost a year. Ms. Keefe was hired by the City Commission last year. The meeting began with public testimony, which at times was contentious.  A number of citizens […]

Hillary Clinton’s email: 10 questions – Politico

Hillary Clinton’s email: 10 questions – Politico

The steady “drip, drip, drip” of the Hillary Clinton email flap — combined with aggressive spin launched this week by the Clinton campaign — creates confusion about the underlying facts. Is the email controversy a real risk for the Democratic Party front-runner? Or as her campaign suggests, is it part of another well-orchestrated attack by […]

TBT: City Passes Over FDLE General Counsel for In-House Ethics Position, Questions Arise Over Qualifications of New Hire

TBT: City Passes Over FDLE General Counsel for In-House Ethics Position, Questions Arise Over Qualifications of New Hire

ThrowBackThursday : This article was originally published on November 3, 2014. Today, the City’s Ethics Board will discuss the hiring process for the Ethics Officer position.  When the City Attorney and City Auditor filled the in-house ethics officer position last month, they passed on hiring the former General Counsel of the Florida Department of Law […]