City Data Shows Slow Down in Single-Family Construction

City Data Shows Slow Down in Single-Family Construction

The City of Tallahassee released construction data for May 2015. The numbers show that single-family construction continues to slow. The chart below shows that the 12 month total number of permits fell for the second month in a row. The last time this happened was in May and June of 2014. Since April 2015 the […]

Tallahassee Board of Realtors Issues Guidance on Killearn Country Club Issue

Tallahassee Board of Realtors Issues Guidance on Killearn Country Club Issue

This past Thursday the Tallahassee Board of Realtors (TBR)  issued a memorandum to “Broker Members” regarding “the uncertainty around the Killearn Golf and Country Club and the potential effects on the property in the Killearn neighborhood.” The memorandum alerted “Broker Members” that TBR had asked their legal counsel to craft disclosure language in anticipation of […]

Comparison Begs the Question: Why Boulder?

Comparison Begs the Question: Why Boulder?

A number of comments by readers on our story about the trip by 60 of Tallahassee’s political and business leaders to Boulder Colorado raised several relevant questions. For example, Terry Ryan commented: Can you provide a side by side comparison of the two cities from the Harvard report’s statistical info (e.g. Percentage of single parent […]

National Report Hits Delegation in Boulder with a Dose of Reality

National Report Hits Delegation in Boulder with a Dose of Reality

On Sunday we heard that sixty of Tallahassee’s political, educational and business elites were headed to Boulder, Colorado to seek new ideas for our local economy. Monday morning we read that these leaders were wandering Pearl Street and peering into the windows of locally owned coffee shops, breweries and stores. And then a report by two Harvard […]

Leon County Jobs Decline for the 5th Consecutive Month

Leon County Jobs Decline for the 5th Consecutive Month

After significant revisions to previously released information, the latest employment data shows that the number of people employed in Leon County has declined for the 5th month in a row. The losses began in November, 2014 when employment fell by 1,327 jobs. This loss was followed by job losses of 553 in December, 408 in […]

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