Vince Long Is Where He Wants To Be

Vince Long is slick. There’s really no other way to put it. How else to describe a guy who, in the span of 24 hours, somehow managed the announcement that his boss, Leon County Administrator Parwez Alam, was retiring, then got seven County Commissioners to unanimously vote to name him as the replacement, complete with […]

COT 2012 Budget Increases Non-Fuel Spending By $40 Million Over 2010 Expenditures

COT 2012 Budget Increases Non-Fuel Spending By $40 Million Over 2010 Expenditures

The COT press release on the 2012 budget reads: “No increase proposed for millage rate – City Manager Anita Favors Thompson today released the recommended $724.9 million fiscal year 2012 budget for review and action by the Tallahassee City Commission. The proposed amount is $2 million less than the current year budget and reflects feedback […]

Commissioners Ignore Citizens Advisory Committee

Commissioners Ignore Citizens Advisory Committee

Recently, the Citizens Advisory Committee for Utilities was becoming a lively bunch. The proposed increase in electric rates had put members of this newly reactivated board front and center. There meetings were even drawing attention from the print and broadcast media. A recent presentation to the group by the COT utility rate consultant, who calculated […]

City Stalls For Time, Gets Red Light Camera Rule Changed

City Stalls For Time, Gets Red Light Camera Rule Changed

When you were growing up didn’t you hate the kids that changed the rules of the game when they were losing? Usually those kids were the bullies and you had to accept it and move on! But as adults you would think we would have outgrown such behavior. Maybe we have, but somebody at the […]

Billion-Dollar Theft Planned by City?

The Real Power:  Neighborhood Control In part one of this two-part series, it was shown how our commissioners from both the City of Tallahassee and Leon County have allowed a private contractor, the Tallahassee Trust for Historic Preservation (TTHP), to take control of a public citizens’ advisory group, the Architectural Review Board (ARB).  Half the membership […]

Superintendent Pons Speaks Against COT Electric Rate Increase

Superintendent Pons Speaks Against COT Electric Rate Increase

On Tuesday, Superintendent Jackie Pons spoke to about 60 members and guests of the the Northeast Business Association. During his thirty minute talk he discussed the financial status of the Leon County School District, a new Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) project that will save millions in transportation costs, and in response to a question from the […]

CONSULTANT: COT Electric Needs $178 Million In Higher Rates

CONSULTANT: COT Electric Needs $178 Million In Higher Rates

Tallahassee Reports has obtained a copy of the 140 page draft report of the electric rate case study that has been discussed over the last several months. The study is highly technical and full of detailed tables. Tallahassee Reports has reviewed the information, and what follows, is an attempt to take highly technical information and […]

Citizens Can Help Too

Citizens empower elected officials when they defer their knowledge, wisdom and expertise to public servants, government staff and other special interest groups. Representative government is successful when the body represents the collective views of those that they stand for. But when one wavers by interjecting his or her own values and beliefs into the decisions […]

County Considering Advanced Septic Tanks

During 2011, the county commission will be taking another look at requiring more advanced septic tanks for southern Leon County.  In my view, the proposal before the county commission to require performance based treatment systems (PBTS) probably is not what we need and it is certainly not what the property owners want.  A performance based […]