City Painting BLM Mural at Gaines Street and Railroad Avenue

City Painting BLM Mural at Gaines Street and Railroad Avenue

It appears the City of Tallahassee is moving forward with painting a Black Lives Matter mural at the intersection of Gaines Street and Railroad Avenue. Greg Tish, a radio host with RealTalk 93.3, posted a picture of the intersection yesterday. In addition, upon an inquiry from WFLA 100.7 host Preston Scott, Mayor John Dailey confirmed […]

CRA Launches $250,000 Disaster Assistance Program for GFS District Businesses

CRA Launches $250,000 Disaster Assistance Program for GFS District Businesses

At their meeting on June 29, the Tallahassee Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) board unanimously voted to establish a $250,000 disaster assistance program for businesses in the Greater Frenchtown/Southside (GFS) district. According to a press release, the purpose of the program is to give aid to small businesses within the district that are struggling with the […]

Blueprint Asks for Public Input on Debbie Lightsey Nature Park

Blueprint Asks for Public Input on Debbie Lightsey Nature Park

The Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency has asked the public for input on the design of the Debbie Lightsey Nature Park. From June 21 to June 27, Blueprint’s website will host virtual engagement activities for the public to learn about the Southwest Greenways and Debbie Lightsey Nature Park project and provide feedback. Activities include a live chat […]

City Commission Votes to Establish an Office of Inspector General

City Commission Votes to Establish an Office of Inspector General

At the June 17th meeting, the City Commission voted 5-0 to introduce a proposed ordinance necessary to establish an Office of Inspector General under the authority of the City Auditor. The first and only public hearing for the ordinance is scheduled for July 8, 2020. During the December 4, 2019, City Commission meeting the Commission […]

City Commissioners Approve $2 Million in Funding for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Pilot Project

City Commissioners Approve $2 Million in Funding for Electric Vehicle Charging Station Pilot Project

The City Commissioners will approved the use of $2 million for an electric vehicle charging station pilot project. The initiative supports the City’s Clean Energy Plan resolution which aims to transition the City to 100% renewable energy by 2050. The pilot project will include the installation of up to four public electric vehicle charging stations […]

City Approves Specifics for Police Citizen Review Board

City Approves Specifics for Police Citizen Review Board

At the June 17 meeting, the Tallahassee City Commission voted 5-0 to accept a recommendation from City Attorney Cassandra Jackson related to establishing a police citizen review board (PCRB). Two weeks ago, the City Commissioners unanimously voted to move forward creating a PCRB by providing direction to staff. The creation of a citizen review board […]

Three Possible Citizen Review Board Models Addressed by TPD Chief Revell

Three Possible Citizen Review Board Models Addressed by TPD Chief Revell

After nationwide protests in response to police brutality, the Tallahassee City Commission unanimously voted at its last meeting on June 3 to establish an independent Citizen Review Board for the Tallahassee Police Department. Citizen review boards have been implemented across the state and country to promote accountability within police departments and curb excessive use of […]

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