Commissioner Matlow Explains Position on City Commission Pay

Commissioner Matlow Explains Position on City Commission Pay

At the last Tallahassee City Commission meeting Commissioner Jeremy Matlow made a motion to have city staff bring back the steps required to bring Commissioner pay to the same level as Leon County Commissioner pay. Currently Tallahassee City Commissioners are paid approximately $39,000 and Leon County Commissioners are paid approximately $80,000. The Mayor of Tallahassee […]

Commissioners Approve Process to Fill TPD Positions, Get Public Safety Update

Commissioners Approve Process to Fill TPD Positions, Get Public Safety Update

At their February 12 meeting, the City Commissioners unanimously voted to ratify a Memorandum of Understanding for the promotion of Tallahassee Police Department lieutenants. Currently, TPD’s process of promoting from Sergeant to Lieutenant is governed under the Collective Bargaining Agreement between the Big Bend Police Benevolent Association and the City of Tallahassee, staff reports. “The […]

City Commissioners Discuss City Charter Amendment Process, Salary Increase

City Commissioners Discuss City Charter Amendment Process, Salary Increase

The City Commissioners discussed implementing a city charter amendment process at their February 12 meeting. Currently, the City of Tallahassee Charter does not have a set process for charter amendment or periodic review. Also during the discussion, the issue of city commissioner salaries was addressed. A majority of city commissioners voted to look at increasing […]

Group Secures Funding for Veterans Memorial

Group Secures Funding for Veterans Memorial

At their February 12 meeting, Tallahassee City Commissioners approved a financial contribution to a veterans memorial for the Tallahassee National Cemetery. AMVETS Post 1776, a local chapter of AMVETS National, requested a one-time contribution of $7,500 to help fund the donation of a bell tower to the cemetery. “The cost of engineering, manufacturing, delivery, and […]

UPDATED: Governor DeSantis Takes No Action on Andrew Gillum, Rick Fernandez Ethics Findings

UPDATED: Governor DeSantis Takes No Action on Andrew Gillum, Rick Fernandez Ethics Findings

UPDATE Based on comments by Dr. Erwin Jackson after meeting with officials in the Governor’s Office on Monday, it appears the delay in processing ethics cases has more to do with procedure than the individuals involved. Jackson stated he was told that the “governor wants to change the current procedures. He believes once a politician […]

City Commissioners to Vote on Powering City Facilities with Solar

City Commissioners to Vote on Powering City Facilities with Solar

Following the completion of Tallahassee’s second solar farm at the airport, Tallahassee City Commissioners will vote on introducing an ordinance amending the solar farm customer participation program at their Feb. 12 meeting. The amendment will add the second solar farm to the customer participation program and reserve enough output for the City to power 100% […]

Current Ethics Officer, Julie Meadows-Keefe, Tied to Anonymous Email that Derailed Her Replacement

Current Ethics Officer, Julie Meadows-Keefe, Tied to Anonymous Email that Derailed Her Replacement

UPDATE Julie Meadows-Keefe told TR that she had nothing to do with setting up the email account She does not understand how her cell phone is connected to the email. She is now worried her email has been hacked. Original Report Tallahassee Reports has learned that the personal cell phone number of Julie Meadows-Keefe, […]

City Commission Selects Northwood Centre as New TPD Headquarters Location

City Commission Selects Northwood Centre as New TPD Headquarters Location

The City Commissioners finalized the location for the TPD Headquarters at their January 29 meeting. They unanimously voted to select the Northwood Centre, a City-owned site at 1904 North Monroe and 514 West Tharpe Street. Multiple locations were considered and eventually narrowed down to two locations: the Lake Bradford Road Wastewater Treatment Plant and the […]

Dr. Erwin Jackson Recognized at MLK Foundation Event and by Capital Conservatives

Dr. Erwin Jackson Recognized at MLK Foundation Event and by Capital Conservatives

Two groups with vastly different ideological views of the world found a topic they can agree on: Dr. Erwin Jackson. Dr. Jackson was recently recognized at a Martin Luther King Foundation event and by Capital Conservatives for his efforts in addressing local government corruption in Tallahassee. On the recognition, Dr Jackson told TR, “Taking a […]

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