Sunday Crime Report Shows 24 Incidents. Hermitage, Piney-Z Hit with Auto Burglaries

Sunday Crime Report Shows 24 Incidents. Hermitage, Piney-Z Hit with Auto Burglaries

The Sunday crime report released by the Tallahassee Police Department shows 24 incidents were logged for September 23, 2018. The reported incidents include 12 auto burglaries with three each reported in the Hermitage (Vieux Carre, Constitution) and Piney-Z (Piney-Z Plantation, Piney Village, Plantation View)  neighborhoods. There were also six residential burglaries reported. Sunday September 23, […]

Tallahassee Police Logs 31 Auto Burglaries Over Three Days

Tallahassee Police Logs 31 Auto Burglaries Over Three Days

In the after math of an incident in Killearn Acres where shots were fired and multiple cars were broken into Saturday morning, Tallahassee Reports reviewed the daily crime report filed by the Tallahassee Police Department. The crime reports show that the Tallahassee Police Department logged 31 auto burglaries in locations across town over a 72 […]

State-Wide Media Highlights Adam Putnam Hire, Ignores Gillum Vote to Benefit Costa Rica Companion

State-Wide Media Highlights Adam Putnam Hire, Ignores Gillum Vote to Benefit Costa Rica Companion

The current Florida Agriculture Commissioner, Adam Putnam, took a beating at the ballot box on August 28th in the Republican gubernatorial primary. Despite the loss, the state-wide media is still unloading on Putnam while ignoring the actions of one gubernatorial candidate still running for office. The report by the Tampa Bay Times on Putnam hiring […]

Tallahassee Murder Rates Higher Than Miami, Orlando; Less Than Jacksonville,Tampa

Tallahassee Murder Rates Higher Than Miami, Orlando; Less Than Jacksonville,Tampa

A review of FDLE crime date shows that during 2017 there was 9.0 murders in the city of Tallahassee for every 100,000 residents. Tallahassee finished the year with 17 murders. The graph below shows that this murder rate ranked third when compared to the 10 largest cities in Florida. Jacksonville (12.2) and Tampa (10.5) were […]

Insiders Get Their Man: Reese Goad Hired by Lame Duck City Commission

Insiders Get Their Man: Reese Goad Hired by Lame Duck City Commission

After interviewing three city manager candidates, City Commissioner Scott Maddox, who is the focus of a federal corruption investigation, made a motion to hire current interim city manager Reese Goad and the permanent city manager. City Commissioner Curtis Richardson seconded the motion. Mayor Andrew Gillum also supported Goad. The final vote was 4-1. The final […]

Canopy Development Faces Another Lawsuit, Allegations Include “Purposeful” Violations

Canopy Development Faces Another Lawsuit, Allegations Include “Purposeful” Violations

The Northwest Florida Water Management District (NFWMD) has filed a lawsuit against companies affiliated with the Canopy development. Canopy is a mixed use development including single family housing, multi-family housing and commercial use. According to the lawsuit, NFWMD states that this “is an action seeking temporary and permanent injunctive relief and monetary penalties arising from […]

Tallahassee Utility Staff Recommends 2.5% Electric Base Rate Increase, Decrease in Fuel Cost Lowers Customers Bills

Tallahassee Utility Staff Recommends 2.5% Electric Base Rate Increase, Decrease in Fuel Cost Lowers Customers Bills

After an electric rate study, the city of Tallahassee professional staff is recommending a 2.5% increase in base electric rates. However, due to a decrease in the price of fuel, the total electric bill for residential customers will see a decrease. Base rates are the portion of the electric bill that covers the expenses required […]

Mayor Andrew Gillum Recommends Contract Extension Benefiting Costa Rica Travel Companion

Mayor Andrew Gillum Recommends Contract Extension Benefiting Costa Rica Travel Companion

When Florida gubernatorial candidate Andrew Gillum turns his attention to his mayoral duties at the September 12th Tallahassee City Commission, he will be faced with a vote to extend a contract that will financial benefit one of his Costa Rica travel companions- Sean Pittman Interestingly, the item listed on the city agenda, which addresses the […]

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