A month after Tallahassee Reports published a series of stories about the City of Tallahassee connections with family members of City Commissioner Nancy Miller, the City Auditor has initiated a special audit to look into some of those connections. Specifically, Auditor Bert Fletcher is looking into approximately $450,000 paid to DPB & Associates between October […]
Tallahassee Reports has obtained a copy of a receipt that shows Sean Pittman, an Edison owner, paid approximately $20,000 for an event titled the “Mayors Brunch” that was headlined by Andrew Gillum on April 7, 2017. Despite the name, the event is not sanctioned or approved by the City of Tallahassee. Mr. Pittman has held […]
City Commissioner Gil Ziffer, who was recently elected as the 2017-2018 president of the Florida League of Cities, spoke to the News Service of Florida on a number of issues which included the possible impact of the current FBI investigation of city development deals. Reporter Lloyd Dunkelberger asked Ziffer “if he believed the ongoing FBI […]
Tallahassee Reports has confirmed additional facts about Mayor Andrew Gillum’s trip to New York with the supposed undercover FBI agent Michael Miller and Edison owner and city lobbyist, Adam Corey. The New York trip was first reported by WCTV reporter Mariel Carbone. WCTV obtained a picture of Gillum, Corey, and Miller on a boat in New York […]
Recently the Tallahassee Democrat reported that Tallahassee City Manager Rick Fernandez had hired a lawyer to ask the city’s Independent Ethics Board to reconsider their decision to forward a complaint against Fernandez to the Florida Commission on Ethics. That request now seems moot. Dr. Erwin Jackson, a local business owner and watchdog of local government, […]
Mayor Andrew Gillum’s office released a statement that said Gillum’s trip on a private plane to Tampa included city business. Gillum’s city calendar does not support the statement. On August 10th, 2017 Tallahassee Reports broke a story about Mayor Andrew Gillum taking a trip on a private plane owned by a developer with city lobbyist […]
Tallahassee Reports has confirmed through a number of sources that City Manager Rick Fernandez received football tickets located in the “Old School” sky box from city lobbyist and Edison owner, Adam Corey. Corey owns the sky box. TR has reviewed the gift records maintained by the Florida Commission on Ethics and no gift disclosure for […]
In a bold move, the City of Tallahassee’s Independent Ethics Board decided Tuesday night that an anonymous complaint involving city manager Rick Fernandez will be referred to the Florida Commission on Ethics. The decision comes after the full City Commission has repeatedly ignored the Board’s request for more authority to address similar complaints. The decision […]
Tallahassee Reports has confirmed through sources that on Friday, February 12, 2016, Mayor Andrew Gillum, with his Chief of Staff Dustin Daniels, flew to Tampa on a private plane owned by Southport Financial Services for a political meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to give Mayor Andrew Gillum a venue to tell “his story” […]
TALLAHASSEE — A Leon County Grand Jury determined Monday the “conduct of (Tallahassee) Mayor Andrew Gillum was lawful” under Florida Statutes in a case concerning the mayor’s use of City of Tallahassee software to send campaign-related emails and correspondence, despite the fact the grand jury also determined the software was used for personal or political purposes. The […]