UPDATED: County Commissioners Approve Emergency Rental Assistance Program

UPDATED: County Commissioners Approve Emergency Rental Assistance Program

During their Jan. 26 meeting, the Leon County Board of County Commissioners approved the Leon County Emergency Rental Assistance Program. The Board accepted approximately $8.9 million in federal funding to establish the program intended “to assist low-income households that are unable to pay rent and utilities” due to the COVID-19 crisis. According to the agenda […]

UPDATED: County Commission Approves $5.4 Million Purchase of the Supervisor of Elections Property

UPDATED: County Commission Approves $5.4 Million Purchase of the Supervisor of Elections Property

At the Jan. 26 meeting, the Board of County Commissioners of Leon County voted to move forward with the purchase of the Supervisor of Elections Voting Operation Center Property. The VOC, located on Capital Circle and Apalachee Parkway, was appraised at $3.325 million. The proposal includes $5.4 million in financing for repairs and purchase of […]

UPDATED: County Commission Votes to Move Location for Proposed Northeast Park

UPDATED: County Commission Votes to Move Location for Proposed Northeast Park

At the January 26th Leon County Commission meeting, Commissioners voted unanimously to support the relocation of the proposed Northeast Park. The park was originally slated to be built on the existing County-owned land at the intersection of Thomasville and Proctor Roads. However, issues related to prescribe burning in the area has raised concerns about the […]

Public Safety Report: Leon County Arrests Down 40%

Public Safety Report: Leon County Arrests Down 40%

Data from the Leon County Sheriff’s Office Booking Report show that arrests during the first 17 days of 2021 when compared to the same period in 2020 are down approximately 41%. The data shows that there were 289 arrests in 2021 and 491 in 2020. This is a trend that began last year. Arrest comparisons for […]

Blueprint Board Votes to Move Forward with Updated Disparity Study

Blueprint Board Votes to Move Forward with Updated Disparity Study

At its Dec. 10 meeting, the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency board authorized negotiating an agreement with MGT of America to update the Disparity Study of the City of Tallahassee, Leon County Government and Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency. The updated study is intended to strengthen the legal defensibility of the MWSBE Program, which aims to increase business and […]

Blueprint Board Approves $10 Million in Bank Loan Financing for Bragg Memorial Stadium Repairs

Blueprint Board Approves $10 Million in Bank Loan Financing for Bragg Memorial Stadium Repairs

At its last meeting on Dec. 10, the Blueprint Intergovernmental Agency Board approved resolutions and other documents for $10.055 million in bank loan financing to make repairs and improvements to FAMU’s Bragg Memorial Stadium. Staff reports that Bragg Memorial Stadium is in need of structural repairs before it can be fully used. The 2020-2021 FAMU […]

UPDATED: County Commission Receives Sidewalk Program Status Report

UPDATED: County Commission Receives Sidewalk Program Status Report

The County Commissioners received a status report on the County’s sidewalk program at their meeting today. The Commissioners receive the report annually to review sidewalk program activities and consider adding new sidewalk segments. Leon County funds sidewalk constructions with half of the County’s share of the five-cent gas tax and the Blueprint 2020 sales tax. […]

UPDATED: County Commissioners Approve $30.5 Million in Bonds for Orange Avenue Redevelopment Project

UPDATED: County Commissioners Approve $30.5 Million in Bonds for Orange Avenue Redevelopment Project

At their meeting today, the County Commissioners approved a resolution authorizing the Housing Finance Authority to issue millions of dollars in bonds to finance phases of the Orange Avenue Apartments redevelopment project. The project developers, Columbia Residential and the Tallahassee Housing Authority, requested two bonds totaling $30.5 million to finance the Magnolia Family II and […]

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