On Tuesday March 21, the Leon County Commission will receive a Lake Munson status report and approving an extension of the Lake Munson drawdown through the Spring of 2024. According to the status report, Lake Munson is a state-managed water body with chronic water quality and ecological problems. Problems include, fish kills, algal blooms, exotic […]
The local Leon County Democratic Executive Committee issued a press release today urging the legalization of marijuana in Leon County. The press release notes that on February 27, 2023 at a meeting of the Leon County Democratic Executive Committee, the full body of the Party voted unanimously to petition the Leon County Commission to decriminalize […]
On February 21st, the Leon County Commission held a lengthy discussion about the Sheriff’s Homeless Outreach Street Team (HOST) Deputy Program. Sheriff McNeil updated the Board on the progress of the program since its official launch in June 2022. According to McNeil, the HOST unit has come in contact with 472 homeless individuals and 271 […]
Below are the news briefs from the Leon County Commission meeting that took place on February 21, 2023.__ Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil provided a presentation to the commission updating them on LCSO’s HOST Program, which is designed to address issues of homelessness in Leon County. McNeil said that he is well aware that the […]
On February 21st, the Leon County Commission voted 5-2 to approve an ordinance to change the zoning classification of 32.18 acres located at 3762 Capital Circle NW from Residential Acre (RA) to Single-Family Detached Residential (R-2). Previously, Northwoods Baptist Church requested the zoning to be changed to Residential District (R-3), which would have allowed the […]
On January 24th 2023, the Leon County Commission held a discussion about the homelessness issue within Leon County and the steps the county is taking to help solve the ongoing problem. Commissioner Christian Caban initiated the conversation by making a motion to establish a workshop to address the homeless problems. He noted the large number […]
On January 18th, the Leon County Commission discussed their new priorities for the County’s 5-Year Strategic Plan at the County’s Annual Retreat. The Commission focused on 4 main strategic priorities–Economy, Environment, Quality of Life, and Governance. After the retreat, Commissioner Nick Maddox stated, “I am proud of the Board’s work today at our annual retreat, […]
Below are the news briefs from the Leon County Commission meeting that took place on January 24, 2023.__ The county approved Agenda Item 19 which gave the board direction to further seek out a resolution to issues facing many school bus stops in unincorporated Leon County. Chairman Nick Maddox took the time to note that […]
On December 13th, the Leon County Commission approved an agreement with Big Bend Cares, Inc. to serve as the operator of a new syringe exchange program (SEP). The SEP is governed by Florida law, which was amended in 2019 to permit a county commission to authorize an SEP within county boundaries. According to the […]
On December 13, 2022, the Leon County Commission accepted the Tallahassee-Leon County Bicentennial Organization Management Plan and adopted a resolution to establish the Tallahassee-Leon County Steering Committee. The year 2024 will mark the 200th anniversary of the Tallahassee-Leon County community. According to the agenda item, recognition of the milestone will allow for the community to […]