At an unpermitted protest in downtown Tallahassee on Saturday, law enforcement officials arrested 15 people. The protest comes after a Leon County grand jury reviewed evidence in three police related shootings and concluded officer actions were justified. The Tallahassee Police Department issued a press release following the arrests – provided below – which describes that […]
Today a Leon County grand jury released information related to three fatal police shootings. The grand jury deliberations concluded that all three shootings were justified and issued no indictments. Details on the three police shootings are listed below with links to the grand jury presentments. Videos from the incidents can be viewed here. Mychael Johnson […]
Florida State University announced this morning that it plans to begin random COVID-19 testing of students, faculty, and staff. Students who do not comply could face penalties including student conduct charges. The announcement comes after a spike in COVID cases both in Leon County and at FSU. As of today, Leon County’s positivity rate is […]
Driven by new COVID cases in the 32304 zip code, the Leon County 7-day average positivity has more than doubled over the last six days. The 7-day average positivity rate was 3.71% on August 27th and has increased to 9.73% as of September 2nd. Over the last four days there have been 581 new COVID […]
Leon County Commissioner candidate Kelly Otte expressed her views about the recent altercation at a downtown protest on her candidate Facebook page. Referring to the man who brandished a gun after being attacked at the protest, Otte wrote, “I can’t imagine any legitimate scenario where he is not charged with a crime.” Otte went on […]
Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil appeared on WCTV this morning to explain the county-wide curfew that was instituted today. The curfew will be in effect from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. from today until Tuesday, Sept. 8. According to McNeil, the purpose of the curfew is to add structure to protests and demonstrations by giving […]
City Commissioner-Elect Jack Porter appeared on Above the Fold with Tallahassee Reports Editor Steve Stewart on Tuesday. Porter narrowly avoided a run-off with incumbent City Commissioner Elaine Bryant in the City Commission Seat 1 race, and she will take office in November. Throughout the race, Porter was viewed as a progressive candidate. She said that […]
By request of law enforcement, Leon County will institute a curfew effective from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. beginning Wednesday (September 2) and continuing each day until Tuesday (September 8) morning. Due in part to recent violence during protests and demonstrations in Leon County, and out of an abundance of caution, Leon County Sheriff Walt […]
A video released by the Tallahassee Police Department clearly shows that five people pushed a man to the ground and then attacked him at a protest at the Capitol this past Saturday. The man extricated himself from the attack by brandishing a gun. The video does not show the beginning of the altercation. However, the […]
Jack Porter, who narrowly surpassed the 50% threshold to avoid a run-off in her her race for Tallahassee City Commission Seat 1, will appear on Above the Fold with Tallahassee Reports Editor Steve Stewart on Tuesday. Above the Fold airs live on Tuesday and Thursday on Real Talk 93.3 at 11:00 a.m. Porter’s victory over […]