Darryl Jones, the Chair of the Leon County School Board, offered his support of a controversial Facebook post by Sarah Hembree – the principal of Cobb middle school – in a Facebook post of his own. Hembree’s post stated in part, “Today I say – Parents, Quit pushing for stupid bills and getting in our […]
Sarah Hembree, a principal at Leon County’s Cobb middle school, recently addressed the controversy over the Parental Rights in Education legislation and the role of parents in education in a Facebook post. Hembree wrote that teachers “want to decide what they teach in their classroom based on the needs of the students in front of […]
The Leon County School Board heard an update regarding the LCS district’s partnership with Florida State University and the reading achievement program focused on Leon County students. The aim is reading and early learning and intervention for students using literacy coaches and resources to provide materials and support to students and families in need.____ The […]
Provided below are meeting briefs from the April 12, 2022 Leon County School Board meeting. Superintendent Rocky Hanna recognized Principal Scott from Augusta Raa Middle School and the school’s Dance Team. In March, the dance team participated in an auxiliary marching state championship competition and won 1st place.___Hanna also recognized Mr. Ewell Carter and the […]
Brandy Vance, a Leon County school teacher at J. Michael Conley Elementary School at Southwood, is not happy about the Parental Rights in Education bill and she recently took to Facebook to voice her concerns. The Parental Rights in Education bill, which was recently signed into law, contains a provision that “prohibits a school district […]
Leon County Schools has released the initial draft of a revised LGBTQ Inclusive School Guide (Guide) which will be reviewed by a committee of stakeholders beginning in May. After the review, the Guide will be presented to the Leon County School Board. There are notable differences from previous publications dedicated to this issue. The initial […]
Tallahassee Reports has learned that the principal of Montford Middle School, Lewis Blessing, will facilitate a planned student protest this Friday related to the Parental Rights in Education bill that was recently signed into law by Governor DeSantis. The bill requires school officials to notify parents when counseling students on sensitive issues and limits instruction […]
The general fund budget for Leon County Schools is being hit with an unanticipated $11.5 million decrease. According to an item approved by Leon County School Board members on Tuesday, the decrease is the result of adjustments related to the Family Empowerment and McKay Scholarship school choice programs. Last year the impact was significantly less […]
During the March 22 Leon County School Board meeting, the Board heard an update from Sheriff Walt McNeil regarding the Council on the Status of Men and Boys. The Sheriff requested the LCSB consider contributing $70,000 to upstart the council._____Superintendent Rocky Hanna addressed the Board to recommend funding the efforts by Leon County Sheriff’s Office. […]
At the March 8th Leon County School Board meeting, the Board approved changes to several Allstate Construction, Inc. contracts related to Rickards High School projects due to savings. The first change was in the amount of $103,089 for a new contract total of $7,271,675 for the phase IV project. The second change was for $118,460, […]