Pray, if Not for Unity, then for Sanity and Civility

Pray, if Not for Unity, then for Sanity and Civility

Many Christians lay claim to Bible verses meant at a certain time for a specific person or nation, and apply those verses to themselves in their current context. I’ve seen this one recently: if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, […]

Opinion: Capital Regional Remains Ready to Serve You

Opinion: Capital Regional Remains Ready to Serve You

By Dr. Chris Tidwell, Capital Regional Medical Center, Medical Director of Emergency Services While the global spread of COVID-19 has made a tremendous impact on how hospitals and physicians conduct patient care, what will never change is Capital Regional’s commitment to the safety of every patient and care facility. Access to emergency services remains available […]

Opinion: Local News Coverage Needs “Competitive Collegiality”

Opinion: Local News Coverage Needs “Competitive Collegiality”

I recently participated in a panel discussion sponsored by the The Village Square titled, A Local Press: Healthy local journalism and our deepening national divide. I joined the former publisher of the Tallahassee Democrat Skip Foster, Miami Herald reporter Mary Ellen Klas, and former Miami Herald reporter Bob Sanchez. The discussion was moderated by Tallahassee […]

Correspondence Theory of Truth

Correspondence Theory of Truth

“Schrödinger’s Cat” is a thought experiment that sought to repudiate a certain theory in quantum mechanics (whatever that is). Very simply put, though, it was posited that if you place a cat in a box with a time-released poison, as long as the box is closed, the cat is both alive and dead (in our […]

Pharisees all: with a blind eye toward ourselves?

Pharisees all: with a blind eye toward ourselves?

Acts 15 tells of the burgeoning Church’s Jerusalem Council, where the believers gathered to settle some matters of the conversion of the gentiles. Some converts who were of “the party of the Pharisees” insisted that gentiles be circumcised and follow the Law of Moses. Peter disagreed and finished a short treatise with this: “Now, therefore, […]

OPINION: The Time is Now for Tougher Ethics Laws

OPINION: The Time is Now for Tougher Ethics Laws

Despite many in Tallahassee believing our city would never face issues of corruption or scandal, this week saw former City Commissioner Scott Maddox and former City staffer Paige Carter-Smith plead guilty to 3 of 48 counts of federal indictments. These revelations leave the citizens of our city wondering what’s next. The pair will face fines […]

Thoughts on the Second Amendment

Thoughts on the Second Amendment

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” – The Second Amendment of the United States Constitution My understanding—I could be wrong—is that our Founding Fathers, with special clarity in the Declaration of Independence, intended in […]

Freedom: It only comes in limited measure

Freedom: It only comes in limited measure

What is freedom? I think our tendency is to think that freedom is autonomy (self-law). In childhood, most of us sought less restrictions and more “freedom.” As we learned and matured, our parents gave us a longer tether so we could start making our own decisions. By necessity, when we got our driver’s license and […]

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