Driven by new COVID cases in the 32304 zip code, the Leon County 7-day average positivity has more than doubled over the last six days. The 7-day average positivity rate was 3.71% on August 27th and has increased to 9.73% as of September 2nd. Over the last four days there have been 581 new COVID […]
By request of law enforcement, Leon County will institute a curfew effective from 11 p.m. to 5 a.m. beginning Wednesday (September 2) and continuing each day until Tuesday (September 8) morning. Due in part to recent violence during protests and demonstrations in Leon County, and out of an abundance of caution, Leon County Sheriff Walt […]
Jack Porter, who narrowly surpassed the 50% threshold to avoid a run-off in her her race for Tallahassee City Commission Seat 1, will appear on Above the Fold with Tallahassee Reports Editor Steve Stewart on Tuesday. Above the Fold airs live on Tuesday and Thursday on Real Talk 93.3 at 11:00 a.m. Porter’s victory over […]
The 7-day average COVID positivity rate continues to fall in Leon County. The latest testing numbers show that over the last seven days there were 10,511 tests with 412 positive results which equals a 3.92% positivity rate. The 7-day average positivity rate has been below 5% for four days. The chart below shows the daily […]
By Dara Kam, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Accusing the state of ignoring the Florida Constitution, a Leon County circuit judge on Monday sided with teachers unions that challenged a state order mandating that schools resume in-person instruction this month amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The Florida Education Association and the union representing Orange […]
Looking at daily trends related to COVID-19 in Florida shows that all indicators have been trending down for at least a week. Data released by the Florida Department of Health on August 22 shows: The seven-day average of daily new cases is now at 3,994. This is down from the peak of 11,870 on July […]
The latest COVID information show that the number of news cases in Leon County is trending downward. On July 19th we reported that new cases began to trend down from a 7-day average peak of 123 on July 6th. Then on August 5th we reported that the trend of new cases had flattened. The chart […]
With all precincts reporting, but still unofficial, Carolyn Cummings has 30.91% of the vote and Kelly Otte is in second place with 20.14% edging out Jeff Hendry with 19.03%. It the results hold, Cummings and Otte will face-off in November.
In a race that will be decided tonight, incumbent Leon County School Board member Dee Dee Rasmussen appears to have an early and commanding lead over challenger Alex Stemle.
The latest reports from the Florida Department of health show that for the second consecutive day the COVID positive test rate is below 8%. The numbers for August 15 show that 7.73% of 50,486 tests were positive. The August 14 update reported a 7.69% positive rate with 96,000 tests. The chart below shows the 7-day […]