BREAKING NEWS: City’s Latest Budget Spends More Than City Manager’s Original Budget

BREAKING NEWS: City’s Latest Budget Spends More Than City Manager’s Original Budget

After numerous budget workshops, town hall meetings, recommendations from citizens, and city commission votes, the City staff released the budget that City Commissioner’s will consider at the last scheduled public hearing tomorrow at 6:oo pm. And guess what? The latest proposal spends more money than the original budget proposed by the City Manger back in […]

BREAKING NEWS: Feds to Give City $1.85 Million for Police Officers

BREAKING NEWS: Feds to Give City $1.85 Million for Police Officers

Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch announced yesterday that more than $107 million in grant funding will be released through the Department of Justice’s Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS Office) COPS Hiring Program (CHP). The Attorney General announced funding awards to nearly 200 law enforcement agencies across the nation, aimed at creating, and in […]

ANALYSIS: Mayor’s Office Salary Expenses Are Significantly Higher Than Expenses In Comparable Cities

ANALYSIS: Mayor’s Office Salary Expenses Are Significantly Higher Than Expenses In Comparable Cities

Tallahassee Reports has determined that the personnel expenditures in the City of Tallahassee’s Mayor’s Office are significantly higher when compared to personnel expenses in other Mayor offices in Florida. At last weeks budget hearing, Mayor Gillum took the time to address critics of the Mayor’s Office budget, which is approximately $475,000. Gillum called a proposal […]

Citizens Group Details Path To No Property Tax Increase, Proposes $9.5 Million in Adjustments

Citizens Group Details Path To No Property Tax Increase, Proposes $9.5 Million in Adjustments

The Citizens for Responsible Spending  held a press conference today to address the City’s proposed 23% increase in property taxes. The purpose of the conference was to provide recommendations for new sources of revenue and spending cuts that would balance the budget and not require a tax increase. The speakers were business owner Barney Bishop, […]

City Manager, City Staff Ignore Request by Elected Officials

City Manager, City Staff Ignore Request by Elected Officials

At the August 19th meeting of the City Commission, each City Commissioner gave their thoughts and wishes on how the budget process should move in the coming weeks, culminating with a vote in mid-September. After the vibrant discussion, which referenced the input from a number of citizens interested in addressing the proposed 23%  property tax, […]