High Level City Official Corrects Information Provided to City Commissioners at Public Meeting

High Level City Official Corrects Information Provided to City Commissioners at Public Meeting

A public records request by Tallahassee Reports has resulted in documents that indicates that a high level city official provided the City Commission with incorrect information about the bid process used to select the vendor to pave roads in the Capital city. At the November 12th, 2014 City Commission meeting, the City Commissioners were discussing […]

Leon County Per Capita Income Down Significantly

Leon County Per Capita Income Down Significantly

While number of people employed continues to increase in Leon county, a bit of sobering news was released by the U.S. Department of Commerce recently which showed per capita personal income in Leon County decreasing significantly from 2011 to 2013. The bottom line is Leon county residents, on average, made $38,345 in 2013, down from […]

Analysis: The Numbers Behind Steve Southerland’s Loss

Analysis: The Numbers Behind Steve Southerland’s Loss

In the race for the US Congressional District 2 Seat,  incumbent Congressman Steve Southerland loss to challenger Gwen Graham in one of the closest races of this campaign cycle by 2,800 votes. Over 249, 000 votes were cast in the contest. With such a narrow loss, the second-guessing by Southerland supporters about what could have […]

Unbalanced Bidding Raises Questions About City Asphalt Contract

Unbalanced Bidding Raises Questions About City Asphalt Contract

One of the most hotly contested contracts awarded by the City of Tallahassee is the the contract to pave the streets of the capital city. The current holder of the contract, Capital Asphalt, won the contract two years ago after Peavy and Sons Construction held the contract for a number of years. Now the contract […]

City of Tallahassee To Consider Stepping Into Marriage Equality Debate

City of Tallahassee To Consider Stepping Into Marriage Equality Debate

On November 5, 2014, the Quality of Life Target Issue Committee, which is chaired by Commissioner Nancy Miller and Commissioner Gil Ziffer,  directed the consideration of the issue of whether the City of Tallahassee should file an amicus curiae, “friend of the court” brief, in the case of Mariama Monique Changamire Shaw v. Keiba Lynn […]

City Passes Over FDLE General Counsel for In-House Ethics Position, Questions Arise Over Qualifications of New Hire

City Passes Over FDLE General Counsel for In-House Ethics Position, Questions Arise Over Qualifications of New Hire

When the City Attorney and City Auditor filled the in-house ethics officer position last month, they passed on hiring the former General Counsel of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement who also served as the agency’s Chief Ethics Officer. Tallahassee Reports has learned that the City of Tallahassee narrowed the selection of the City’s Ethic […]