Did City Contractor Provide False Info to Get Local Vendor Status?

Did City Contractor Provide False Info to Get Local Vendor Status?

Tallahassee Reports’ continuing investigation of a lawn maintenance vendor selected by the City to maintain the various street median’s in the City has found that Southland Specialities provided questionable information on the application for a City business tax certificate. Previously, Tallahassee Reports found that the store front for the Gold Buyers of Tallahassee, located at 2784-1 […]

UPDATE: Gold Buyers of Tallahassee Appears to be Front for Out-of-Town Lawn Company

UPDATE: Gold Buyers of Tallahassee Appears to be Front for Out-of-Town Lawn Company

An investigation by Tallahassee Reports indicates that the store front for the Gold Buyers of Tallahassee, located at 2784-1 Capital Circle NE, was used as the address for another company, Southland Specialties of Tennessee, Inc. to qualify as a local vendor during the City of Tallahassee procurement process. According to state records, the registered agent […]

City to Consider Out of Town Companies for Road Paving

City to Consider Out of Town Companies for Road Paving

The City Commission will vote on Wednesday whether or not to award two contracts totaling over $1,000,000 to out of town contractors to pave roads with techniques that City staff says is not available from local contractors. One contract to be awarded is to Cutler Paving, which is located in Kansas, in the amount of […]

City Staff Once Again Recommends Against Appointed Ethics Officer

City Staff Once Again Recommends Against Appointed Ethics Officer

On March 12, 2014, the City Commission will address the Ethics Advisory Panel recommendations that were not adopted at the Target Issue Workshop held on November 20, 2013. The City Commission appointed a citizen Ethics Advisory Panel (EAP) that first convened on November 8, 2012.  The EAP was charged with examining the various City policies, […]

City Communications Department Produces All PSA’s…Except for TAPP

City Communications Department Produces All PSA’s…Except for TAPP

The City of Tallahassee public records department has informed Tallahassee Reports that since January 1, 2011 the City of Tallahassee has not paid outside vendors for the production of any Pubic Service Announcement (PSA) TV commercials except for the TAPP program. The City’s statement came in response to a public records request by Tallahassee Reports. […]

Imagine Tallahassee Adds Complexity To Blueprint Process

Imagine Tallahassee Adds Complexity To Blueprint Process

Kim Rivers is not happy. Ms. Rivers, a successful local business woman and the engine behind Imagine Tallahassee, believes the Leon County Board of County Commissioners have voted to ignore the work of Imagine Tallahassee. And she is not shy. After the vote last week , she fired off an email stating her version of […]