State Attorney Campbell Explains Outcome of Protest Altercation

State Attorney Campbell Explains Outcome of Protest Altercation

In a letter to TPD Chief Lawrence Revell, shown below, State Attorney Jack Campbell explained the rationale for no charges being filed in an incident that took place during a protest on August 29, 2020. Campbell concluded that there was no “clear evidence” indicating who started the altercation which escalated quickly. Campbell stated that the […]

TPD Chief Revell Addresses Saturday’s Protest

TPD Chief Revell Addresses Saturday’s Protest

At the City Commission meeting today, Tallahassee Police Department Chief Lawrence Revell addressed TPD’s response to the protest last Saturday, where 15 protestors were arrested. The protest, which was not permitted, took place after grand jury verdicts were released for three officer-involved shootings in which none of the officers were charged. Revell said that law […]

City Commission Approves Letter of Support for Bike Route 90 Reroute

City Commission Approves Letter of Support for Bike Route 90 Reroute

The City Commission voted today to approve a Letter of Support for the proposed reroute of US Bicycle Route 90. The reroute is intended to improve safety and comfort for cyclists. US Bicycle Route 90 (USBR-90 FL) is a 419.7-mile bike route that was established in November 2014. It connects from the Atlantic Coast starting […]

City Commission Approves Concurrency Agreement for Vogue Cleaners Property Cleanup

City Commission Approves Concurrency Agreement for Vogue Cleaners Property Cleanup

At their meeting on Sept. 9, the Tallahassee City Commission approved a concurrency agreement for the former Vogue Cleaners property. The property is located at 1839 Thomasville Road. Approving the agreement allows the Florida Department of Environmental Protection to start their cleanup plan for the property, which involves demolishing the existing building and removing the […]

Virtual Town Hall on Children’s Services Council Set for Tomorrow

Virtual Town Hall on Children’s Services Council Set for Tomorrow

Leon County Commissioner Bill Proctor and Tallahassee City Commissioner Jeremy Matlow are hosting a virtual town hall on the proposed Children’s Services Council (CSC) tomorrow, Sept. 10. The CSC, which has been controversial, is on the ballot this November. According to a press release, “The proposal is estimated to levy approximately $96 million in property […]

City Commission Approves Procurement Policy Changes

City Commission Approves Procurement Policy Changes

The City Commissioners approved changes to City Commission Policy 242 at their meeting today. Policy 242 covers City procurement policies, including guidelines for competitive solicitation. According to the meeting agenda, the changes to Policy 242 include:• conforming updates to the City Commission’s recent ethics reform package (Ordinance 19-O-36AA);• conforming updates to the “Cone of Silence” […]

City Commission Votes to Introduce Citizens Police Review Board Ordinance

City Commission Votes to Introduce Citizens Police Review Board Ordinance

After three officer-involved shootings this year, the City Commissioners unanimously voted to introduce an ordinance creating a Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB) at their meeting today. The City Commissioners approved the creation of the CPRB in June after weeks of nationwide protests against police brutality. The CPRB will be tasked with reviewing investigations of excessive […]

COVID Spikes in Zip Code 32304, Stable in Others

COVID Spikes in Zip Code 32304, Stable in Others

Over the last week, new COVID cases have significantly increased in Leon County primarily due to a spike in cases reported in zip code 32304. TR reported last week about a decline in COVID cases before students returned to Tallahassee. Now that students have arrived, the number of COVID cases have spiked in 32304 and […]