City Approves Amendment to Canopy Inclusionary Housing Agreement

City Approves Amendment to Canopy Inclusionary Housing Agreement

The City Commissioners approved an amendment to the Canopy Inclusionary Housing Agreement at their May 13 meeting. The amendment passed 4-1, with Commissioner Jeremy Matlow dissenting. Under the amendment, homebuyers eligible for inclusionary housing can make up to 100% of the area median income (AMI). Matlow commented that he is not in favor of adjusting […]

Ethics Board Reviews Results of Audit

At their May 19 meeting, the Independent Ethics Board reviewed an audit report from Moore Stevens Lovelace PA. The Board hired the company in Dec. 2019 to audit Board expenditures from March 1, 2015 to Sept. 30, 2019. “The purpose was to determine that the expenditures of the Board comply with applicable state statutes, City […]

City Commissioners Approve Construction Contract for Renovations to Air Traffic Control Tower

City Commissioners Approve Construction Contract for Renovations to Air Traffic Control Tower

At their May 13 meeting, the City Commissioners voted to award a $1,460,327.40 construction contract for extensive improvements to an air traffic control tower at the Tallahassee International Airport. The contract will be awarded to OliverSperry Renovation and Construction, Inc., a Tallahassee construction company that has previously renovated several restaurants, churches, office spaces, and more […]

LCS to Form Task Force on Reopening Schools

LCS to Form Task Force on Reopening Schools

At the May 12 Leon County School Board meeting, Superintendent Rocky Hanna announced that the school district will form a task force for reopening Leon County Schools in the fall. The task force will be responsible for planning multiple components of the 2020-2021 school year, including issues related to the budget and the digital divide. […]

Vote-by-Mail, Absentee Voting Prompts Security Concerns

Vote-by-Mail, Absentee Voting Prompts Security Concerns

Amid concerns about the impact of COVID-19 on the upcoming elections, many election officials across the United States -including Leon County Supervisor of Elections Mark Earley – have recommended voters take advantage of vote-by-mail or other absentee voting opportunities. Earley said he is encouraging all voters to request vote-by-mail ballots as an “insurance policy” in […]

As Washington Square Site is Demobilized, County Commission to Receive Status Update

As Washington Square Site is Demobilized, County Commission to Receive Status Update

The Leon County Commissioners will review a status report on the Washington Square development at their May 12 meeting. The project has been stalled since mid-2019, and cranes at the construction site started coming down last week. Back in March, Fairmont Development, the project’s developer, terminated its contract with Yates Construction, the project’s primary contractor. […]

City Commissioners Approve $236,500 Personal Injury Settlement

City Commissioners Approve $236,500 Personal Injury Settlement

The City Commissioners approved a $236,500.00 personal injury settlement at their May 13 meeting. The settlement will resolve the claims of Steven Parton, who tripped on a city sidewalk in 2015 and developed multiple health issues. According to the meeting agenda, in August 2015, Steven Parton tripped and struck his head and face on a […]

City to Consider Selling Parcel Next to Academy Sports

City to Consider Selling Parcel Next to Academy Sports

At the May 13th Tallahassee City Commission meeting, elected officials will consider the sale of a city owned property near one of the busiest intersections in Tallahassee. Tallahassee City Commissioners are being asked by city staff for approval to market a 3.46-acre  parcel located at the intersection of Mahan Drive and Weems Road. The parcel is […]

Leon County COVID-19 Positive Test Rate Falls to 4.6%

Leon County COVID-19 Positive Test Rate Falls to 4.6%

The latest report by the Florida Department of Health (DOH) shows that the positive test rate for COVID-19 in Leon County has dropped as the number of tests have increased. The overall positive test rate for Leon County, as of May 8th, is 4.6%. This rate is based on 5,527 tests which resulted in 252 […]