Superintendent Pons, Paul Byrd, Traded Ownership of Franklin County Property in 2008 and 2010.

Superintendent Pons, Paul Byrd, Traded Ownership of Franklin County Property in 2008 and 2010.

Public records indicate that Superintendent Jackie Pons bought a vacant piece of property from Paul Byrd for $200,000 in 2008 and then, despite a decline in property values, sold it back to Mr. Byrd for the same amount in 2010. Both transactions were deemed by the Franklin County Property Appraiser to be “unqualified sales.” This […]

Patrick Madden Exits School Board Race

Patrick Madden Exits School Board Race

The Leon County School Board race for District 1 gained a candidate yesterday with the candidacy of incumbent Forrest Van Camp, but lost one today. Patrick Madden told Tallahassee Reports he was dropping out of the race due to Van Camp’s candidacy. He said Van Camp is “clearly the most knowledgeable, experienced and qualified” person for […]

Forrest Van Camp to Join Race

Forrest Van Camp to Join Race

In a surprising move, Forrest Van Camp has decided to run for re-election. Van Camp, who is the current holder of the Leon County School Board Seat 1, had previously given all indications that he would step down after his term expired. However, he filed his paperwork with the Leon County Supervisor of elections today. […]

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