The Big Bend Chapter of the Police Benevolent Association and the Tallahassee Professional Firefighters IAFF L-2339 released endorsements for select local offices. The Big Bend PBA made the following endorsements: -Elaine Bryant for Tallahassee City Commission Seat 1 -Curtis Richardson for Tallahassee City Commission Seat 2 -Brian Welch for Leon County Commission District 4 -Jeff […]
According to the Florida Health Department, in 2018 there were 1,938 deaths in Leon County. This averages out to approximately 161 deaths per month. The chart below lists the top causes of death in Leon County. The report indicates: Heart disease (20.4%) and cancer (19.9%) accounts for 40% of the total deaths in 2018. Suicide […]
Based on reports from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Capital Regional Medical Center (CRMC), there are a total of 24 COVID-19 patients being treated at the two hospitals. TMH reported 12 patients and CRMC reported 12. TR has been tracking current hospitalizations since June 1. See chart below. In addition, TMH reported that there were […]
The latest employment information shows that Leon County added 2,205 jobs in May. One year ago Leon County lost 217 jobs. The unemployment rate in increased to 8.8% in May from 8.2% in April. One year ago the unemployment rate was 2.9%. The number of people working in May, 2020 decreased when compared to last […]
By Jim Turner, Ana Ceballos, Christine Sexton The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — Gov. Ron DeSantis on Monday slashed $1 billion before signing a $92.2 billion budget for the upcoming fiscal year, as he tries to keep lawmakers from having to come back to Tallahassee ahead of the November elections to address revenue shortfalls […]
Tallahassee Reports has requested the current COVID-19 hospitalization numbers from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Capital Regional Medical Center (CRMC) on a regular basis since June 1st. As of Monday morning, June 29th, the hospitals reported a total of 15 COVID-19 patients. TMH reported 10 patients and CRMC reported 5. Support Local Journalism with a […]
Reports by the Florida Department of Health continue to show how the characteristics of the COVID-19 pandemic are much different in Leon County when compared to statewide numbers. One characteristic being followed closely during the recent spike in positive tests is the median age of new cases . This statistic is noteworthy due to the […]
Evan Power, a local Republican Party official and resident of Leon County, has filed a lawsuit against Leon County government seeking injunctive relief from the recently signed emergency ordinance mandating face masks. The 12-page filing can be viewed here.
Listed below is the first page of the Leon County Emergency Ordinance 20-15 mandating masks due to COVID-19. The full ordinance can be found here. Violation Language A violation of this Emergency Ordinance is a noncriminal infraction. A violation of this Emergency Ordinance does not authorize the search or arrest of an individual. Prior to […]
Tallahassee Reports has requested the current COVID-19 hospitalization numbers from Tallahassee Memorial Hospital (TMH) and Capital Regional Medical Center (CRMC) on a regular basis since June 1st. Today, June 24th, the hospitals reported a total of 6 COVID-19 patients. TMH reported 3 and CRMC reported 3. Support Local Journalism with a $50 AnnualTallahassee Reports Subscription_______________ […]