Godby High Leads District in Out of School Suspensions

Godby High Leads District in Out of School Suspensions

A review of out of school suspensions (OSS) for Leon County high schools during the 2017-2018 school year shows that Godby High School has significantly more suspensions than the other four high schools. The data, provided below, indicates that during 2017-2018 there were 621 OSS for the five high schools for an average rate of […]

City Budget 2020: Adopting “Living Wage” Will Cost $50,000

City Budget 2020: Adopting “Living Wage” Will Cost $50,000

The City of Tallahassee FY2020 budget includes a living wage proposal of $12 per hour. The proposal would benefit 26 full-time “Other Personnel Services” (OPS) positions. These employees work a consistent work schedule, but are being paid less than $12 per hour. The City Commission believes this would ensure everyone receives “fair consideration” to be […]

Democrats Debate Registration, Primary Changes

Democrats Debate Registration, Primary Changes

By Ana Ceballos, The News Service of Florida ORLANDO — The Florida Democratic Party’s biggest event of the year wrapped up this weekend with a debate over whether the party should push for semi-open primaries and Election Day voter registration as soon as 2020. The issues were considered as Democrats plot ways to win the […]

FAMU Fights To Out Alleged Rape Victim in Court

FAMU Fights To Out Alleged Rape Victim in Court

Is Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University (FAMU) trying to intimidate sexual assault victims? One FAMU alum is asking that question and recently sent her concerns to a list of 40 Florida law makers. She calls for an investigation into FAMU’s attempts to expose a rape victim’s identity in public. Takisha Richardson is a Florida A&M […]

Democrats Rally Support, Grapple with Problems

Democrats Rally Support, Grapple with Problems

By Ana Ceballos, The News Service of Florida ORLANDO — Florida Democrats are making plans to win the crucial battleground state in 2020, but during a flurry of forums this weekend, intraparty tensions were often more apparent than enthusiasm. “We are going to turn into Alabama if we don’t get our act together,” said Sean […]

Arson Suspected in St. Thomas More Church Fire

Arson Suspected in St. Thomas More Church Fire

It appears that on Wednesday around 4:30 p.m. someone intentionally set fire to the celebrant chairs inside St. Thomas More Catholic church which is located near the FSU campus. The Tallahassee Fire Department responded to the fire at 900 W. Tennessee Street. Rector John Cayer told WCTV that “My first initial reaction to this is […]

Judge Weighs Fight Over Local Gun Restrictions

Judge Weighs Fight Over Local Gun Restrictions

By Jim Saunders, The News Service of Florida TALLAHASSEE — In a case filed in the aftermath of last year’s mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, a circuit judge is poised to hear arguments about the constitutionality of a state law that imposes tough penalties on local officials if they approve gun regulations. […]

FLASHBACK: Andrew Gillum Associate Says FBI Scrutiny is Racial

FLASHBACK: Andrew Gillum Associate Says FBI Scrutiny is Racial

FIRST PUBLISHED JUNE 6 2019 Sharon Lettman-Hicks, a close Andrew Gillum associate and focus of a recent FBI subpoena, took to social media this past weekend to voice her opinion of the the federal interest in Gillum’s campaign and an ongoing state ethics investigation into the campaign of former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams. This […]

City Moves Forward with Transmission Line Agreement

City Moves Forward with Transmission Line Agreement

On Wednesday, the Tallahassee City Commission voted 4-0 to approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Gulf Power for the North Florida Resiliency Connection project. Once negotiations are complete, the co-location agreement will be presented to the City Commission for final approval. According to Gulf Power, the proposed North Florida Resiliency Connection will enhance the […]