Tallahassee City Commission Adopts Whistleblower, Anti-Fraud Policies

Tallahassee City Commission Adopts Whistleblower, Anti-Fraud Policies

In an effort to strengthen the city’s commitment to ethics and compliance, the Tallahassee City Commissioners unanimously passed two new policies, the “Whistleblower Policy” and the “Anti-Fraud Policy.” During an audit of the city’s ethics code and critical policies conducted by Inspector General Dennis Sutton, it was noted that the city does not have an […]

Controversy Clouds City Land Sale

Controversy Clouds City Land Sale

On Wednesday, December 8, the City Commissioners voted to approve the negotiation of terms with Peerless Development to sell a city-owned vacant lot that totals 0.26 acres. The item passed in a 3-2 vote with Commissioner Jeremy Matlow and Commissioner Jack Porter in opposition. Recently the city received an unsolicited request from a developer, Peerless […]

City Commission Meeting Briefs: December 8th

City Commission Meeting Briefs: December 8th

Provided below are brief notes for eleven items addressed at the December 8th Tallahassee City Commission. —–The City Commission directed the city manager to negotiate a joint development agreement to facilitate future affordable housing on Dantzler Street for the Magnolia Acre project. The venture allows for the largest number of affordable housing units to be […]

Tallahassee City Commission to Re-Appoints Bobo, Rashad for Police Review Board

Tallahassee City Commission to Re-Appoints Bobo, Rashad for Police Review Board

The Tallahassee City Commission voted to reappoint two members of the Citizens Police Review Board (CPRB) during their meeting on Wednesday December 8th. Rosezetta Bobo (Commissioner Porter’s Appointee) and Mujahid Rashad’s (Commissioner Richardson’s Appointee and the Chair) were reappointed to second terms which will expire on December 31, 2024. Bobo is a court mediator with […]

UPDATED: Tallahassee City Commission Approves $29 Million for Two Airport Projects

UPDATED: Tallahassee City Commission Approves $29 Million for Two Airport Projects

On Wednesday, the Tallahassee City Commission voted to award a construction contract for the International Passenger Processing Facility (IPPF) Project ($23,476,000) and an additional 5% project contingency ($1,173,800) to Whitesell-Green, Inc. in the amount of $24,649,800. The funding will be provided by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), the Federal Aviation Administration, the Coronavirus Aid, […]

Tallahassee Inspector General Report Calls for Decorum Policy, Enforcement Tools

Tallahassee Inspector General Report Calls for Decorum Policy, Enforcement Tools

Tallahassee’s Office of the Inspector General recently released a report recommending the Tallahassee City Commission take action to establish standards of decorum for city public meetings. In addition, the report recommended that the policy include enforcement protocols. The report detailed a “Building Security” audit which noted disruptive and sometimes violent incidents at local government public […]

Dr. Erwin Jackson Continues the Push for Ethics Reform

Dr. Erwin Jackson Continues the Push for Ethics Reform

In the wake of the prison sentences handed down by federal judge Robert Hinkle to former City Commissioner Scott Maddox, his business associate Paige Carter-Smith, and Tallahassee businessman J.T. Burnette, Dr. Erwin Jackson continues to push for ethics reform at Tallahassee City Hall. Jackson, known for his 3-minute presentations over the last ten years, recently […]

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