The first quarter of the school year is not yet in the books and there have already been three arrests related to firearms on Leon County school property. The latest incident happened at Leon High School when the school’s resource deputy arrested a 17-year-old student last week for having a loaded gun. The Leon County […]
During the Leon County School Board meeting on August 9, 2022, Superintendent Rocky Hanna recognized former chair member DeeDee Rasmussen, as she recently stepped down from the LCSB due to health concerns. Rasmussen was presented with a plaque and flowers. The board members all spoke fondly of their time served with Rasmussen. The board approved […]
The Florida Department of Education announced on July 25 that they intend to proceed with the proposed rule requiring school districts to adopt a policy to fully inform parents of lodging and other details concerning overnight field trips. The regulation is being implemented to align the department’s policies with Florida’s Parental Bill of Rights law […]
According to Leon County Schools Super Intendant Rocky Hanna the district is increasing incentives for bus drivers, in hopes of filling the vacant positions before the new school year begins. Reports have documented that school districts across north and central Florida are dealing with an urgent lack of bus drivers, Superintendent Hanna stated that the […]
During the July 12 LCSB meeting, Assistant Superintendent Billy Epting updated the Leon County School Board on the recent Florida Department of Education (FDOE) announcements regarding school grades. On July 7, 2022, The FDOE released school grades for the state of Florida. Epting reported that Leon County Schools improved in the 2021-2022 school year. According […]
Listed below are notes from the July 12th, Leon County School Board meeting.___ Assistant Superintendent Billy Epting updated the Board on recent Florida Department of Education announcements during the July 12 LCSB meeting. Epting’s report included the district’s school grades.___The Leon County School Board approved accepting the federal 21st Century Community Learning Centers grants of […]
The Leon County School Board finalized and approved the LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Guide during the LCSB meeting on Tuesday, June 28, 2022. After months of laboring over the guide and reviewing Florida law and the Parents Bill of Rights, the LGBTQIA+ 14-member committee completed the document and presented it to the Board for review and a […]
Listed below are notes from the June 28the, Leon County School Board meeting.___The Leon County School Board heard from over 40 parents, teachers, and student speakers regarding the heavily debated LGBTQ+ guide. After the discussion by the Board, the LGBTQ+ guide was approved in a 4-0 vote. However, slight adjustments were made by the Board […]
During the Leon County Board of County Commission meeting on June 14th, the Board heard an update on the preparations taken by the Leon County Sheriff’s Office HOST program. The Assistant Sheriff informed the county that the HOST program launch date is June 20th. Commissioners unanimously approved additional funding for the Tallahassee-Leon County Commission on […]
Alex Stemle has told Tallahassee Reports that he plans to run for the Leon County School Board District 4 seat. The qualifying period for the seat ends on Friday, June 17. Stemle ran against incumbent Dee Dee Rasmussen in 2020 and lost 60.6% to 39.3%. Early this year, Rasmussen resigned due to health reasons. During […]