LCS Meeting Briefs August 24th, 2021

LCS Meeting Briefs August 24th, 2021

Listed below are notes from the August 24th Leon County School Board meeting. _____ Connor McCord led the Leon County School Board in the Pledge of Allegiance. He has been selected to be the student representative of the Board. Connor is a senior at Lincoln High, he is first in his class, an AP scholar […]

Hanna Changes Directions Again, Masks Required in K-8.

Hanna Changes Directions Again, Masks Required in K-8.

In comments via Facebook today, Superintendent Hanna changed directions once again related to masking policies. Hanna stated that due to the number of cases reported during the first week of school and the number of students in quarantine he is requiring all students in K-8 grades to wear masks while in school. Parents have until […]

Godby Student Arrested, Handgun Recovered

Godby Student Arrested, Handgun Recovered

A 17-year-old student at Godby High School was arrested yesterday, August 19, 2021, by a Leon County Sheriff School Resource Deputy. The deputy became aware of three juvenile warrants for the student’s arrest. After searching the campus and locating the student, the deputy took him into custody and the student was transferred to the Juvenile […]

LCS Approves Construction Items at July 27th Board Meeting

LCS Approves Construction Items at July 27th Board Meeting

At the July 27th Leon County School Board meeting, officials approved the following construction items. The Leon County School Board approved the SAIL High School greenhouse project, which will be funded by the Furniture, Fixture & Equipment Fund, and is expected to cost $14,890. The greenhouse will be located at the East field on the […]

Corcoran Calls Hanna’s Decision “Significant Neglect”, Threatens Financial Penalties

Corcoran Calls Hanna’s Decision “Significant Neglect”, Threatens Financial Penalties

Commissioner of Education, Richard Cororan, sent a letter on Tuesday to Superintendent Hanna and LCS Chair Joy Bowen related to Hanna’s decision to institute a mask mandate for students in Pre-K–8. Corcoran refers to the decision as “significant neglect in response to the recently adopted Emergency Rule” which ordered that all schools allow for an […]

Superintendent Hanna Institutes Mask Mandate for Start of School

Superintendent Hanna Institutes Mask Mandate for Start of School

Superintendent Hanna announced Monday that masks will be required for all students Pre-K – 8th grade. Students can opt-out with a medical exemption approved by a physician or psychologists. Hanna noted that the mask requirement is for indoors only. Hanna said at the press conference, “in an abundance of caution, this is the absolute right […]

Leon County Math Assessment Shows 49% Score Satisfactory and Above

Leon County Math Assessment Shows 49% Score Satisfactory and Above

The Florida Department of Education recently released statistics reflecting the Florida Standards Assessment (FSA) and the End-of-Course (EOC) scores. The information reveals a decline when comparing the 2021 scores to those from 2019. Statewide assessments were not given to students in the 2020 school year, because of school closures and virtual learning during the pandemic. […]

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