City Commission Briefs from July 7, 2021 Meeting

City Commission Briefs from July 7, 2021 Meeting

Mayor John Dailey and the City Commissioners recognized the Capital Park All-Star baseball team who represented Tallahassee in Mississippi, at the Dizzy Dean World Series. The team finished in third place and received the Sportsmanship Award for the tournament. ____ Mayor Dailey and Commissioner Dianne Williams-Cox recognized the former president of FAMU, Frederick S. Humphries, […]

City Commission Discusses Affordable Home Construction Loan Program

City Commission Discusses Affordable Home Construction Loan Program

During the Wednesday night City Commission meeting, elected officials were updated on the Affordable Home Construction Loan Program. The program has funding totaling $1 million from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund (AHTF) and the Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA). In July 2020, the City Commission approved the Affordable Home Construction Loan Program to help finance small-scale […]

DOJ Grants Support Crisis Intervention, Body Cameras

DOJ Grants Support Crisis Intervention, Body Cameras

The City Commission approved the process to apply, accept, and expend grant proceeds from the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ). The Community Policing Development grants total $450,000 and will be used to fund the expansion of the City’s Crisis Intervention Team and further de-escalation training. Additionally, the city will apply for an $860,000 DOJ Bureau […]

City Receives $250,000 Grant for Youth Programs

City Receives $250,000 Grant for Youth Programs

The City Commission approved a $250,000 grant from the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice at the July 7th meeting. The grant will fund workforce training scholarships via the Tallahassee Engaged in Meaningful Productivity for Opportunity youth program and the Tallahassee Future Leaders Academy. The scholarships will go to individuals who participate and enroll in vocational […]

Luxury Hotel Project Approved with a 3-2 Vote

Luxury Hotel Project Approved with a 3-2 Vote

In a 3-2 vote, the City Commission approved the sale of the city-owned Chevron and Johns parcels to the Valencia Development Corporation for $8 million. Commissioner Jeremy Matlow and Commissioner Jack Porter voted against the sale. Commissioner Jeremy Matlow expressed his concern about not seeking competitive bids according to city policy. He commented further, stating […]

National Teachers Union Plans to Promote Critical Race Theory

National Teachers Union Plans to Promote Critical Race Theory

The National Education Association (NEA), which collaborates with approximately 14,000 school districts, recently debated and voted to support a number of resolutions and policy recommendations at their annual meeting. Among the items adopted during the meeting was New Business Item 39, which outlines an action plan to promote Critical Race Theory (CRT). The plan states, […]

City Commission Approves Budget Plan for Raises, $15 Minimum Wage

City Commission Approves Budget Plan for Raises, $15 Minimum Wage

UPDATED At today’s budget workshop, City Commissioners unanimously approved of City staff’s plan to provide a $15/hour minimum wage for all permanent and OPS employees. Original Story At the City of Tallahassee budget workshop today, elected officials will discuss workforce compensation and consider a staff recommendation that all permanent and Other Personnel Staff (OPS) employees […]

Tallahassee Police Department Celebrates Multiple Promotions

Tallahassee Police Department Celebrates Multiple Promotions

On June 21st, 2021, the Tallahassee Police Department (TPD) celebrated multiple promotions within the department as well as the addition of the captain rank. Vincent Boccio and Danielle Davis will be the new captains and will assist the department in addressing related to large gatherings and shootings in the city. Calvin Bedenbaugh and Ginny Osbourn […]

City Makes Donation to Big Bend Habitat for Humanity

City Makes Donation to Big Bend Habitat for Humanity

The City Commission approved the donation of city-owned lots and the disbursement of $195,000 to partner with Big Bend Habitat for Humanity on the construction of three homes. The funds originate from the Affordable Housing Trust which currently has over $1 million in unallocated funds. The city is eligible to participate in the Community Contribution […]

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