Leon County is slated to host the 2022 National Junior College Athletic Association (NJCAA) Division I and Division II Cross-Country Championships. The event will be held at the Apalachee Regional Park. According to a press release, the championships were last held in Leon County in 1973 at the Florida State University Seminole Golf Course. The […]
In March 2020, when COVID-19 began prompting nationwide shutdowns, universities across the country closed their campuses and switched to online instruction. With campuses staying closed through the summer, it has been uncertain whether or not in-person classes will resume in the fall. However, many universities have begun exploring plans for reopening their campuses. Brown University […]
At the last Leon County School Board meeting, the Board voted unanimously to award $400,000 in non-recurring pay enhancements to administrative and exempt employees. The action was recommended by Superintendent Rocky Hanna. TR was told by Chris Petley, the LCS Coordinator of Communications and Media Relations, that the pay enhancement was presented as a non-recurring […]
At its April 28 meeting, the Leon County School Board approved the 2020-2021 School Resource Deputy Program Agreement between the Board and the Leon County Sheriff’s Office. The Marjory Stoneman Douglas Act (Senate Bill 7026) requires that each district school board in the State of Florida partners with law enforcement to assign at least one […]
The Leon County School Board discussed grading, high school graduation plans, and other distance learning issues at their April 28 meeting. Assistant Superintendent Gillian Gregory explained the Leon County School District’s plan for fourth quarter grades. Gregory said that students will continue completing homework through distance learning to generate fourth quarter grades. When grades are […]
The Taproot Agency has launched LearnFromALocal.com, a free website that shares how-to videos submitted by Tallahassee professionals and invites visitors to return the favor by making a voluntary financial contribution to those organizations. “When we saw how COVID-19 restrictions were affecting lifestyles and livelihoods, we put our heads together to come up with a way […]
The Florida Department of Health (DOH) began releasing detailed reports relating to COVID-19 statistics for each Florida county this past weekend. Listed below is the Leon County report as of April 26th, 2020.
In the Leon County Schools Distance Learning Update on April 20, Superintendent Rocky Hanna addressed common questions regarding distance learning as well as the district’s plans for high school graduation. LCS has been practicing distance learning since late March to prevent COVID-19 spread. On Saturday, April 18, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the Florida K-12 schools […]
Mark Earley, Leon County Supervisor of Elections, is encouraging all voters to Vote-by-Mail for the 2020 Primary and General Elections. Earley stated in a recent press release that his office is taking the COVID-19 emergency seriously and wants to adhere to the recommendations made by the Center for Disease Control for election polling. Earley said, […]
At their April 22nd meeting, the Tallahassee City Commission voted to provide financial relief for City of Tallahassee utility customers. The vote approved a one-time rate reduction that will keep $6.3 million in the hands of local residents and businesses at a time when the COVID-19 outbreak has put the brakes on the local economy. […]