City Registered Lobbyists Have Increased 500% Since 2011

City Registered Lobbyists Have Increased 500% Since 2011

It appears City of Tallahassee elected officials are becoming more and more popular among lobbyists. Over the last seven years, the number of registered lobbyists have increased 500%, from 8 in 2011 to 48 in 2019. During this time, the number of registered lobbying firms has increased from 7 to 33. See the trend in […]

Sheriff Walt McNeil Promotes “Faith-Based” Solutions to Crime

Sheriff Walt McNeil Promotes “Faith-Based” Solutions to Crime

Leon County Sheriff Walt McNeil recently appeared on the Morning Show with Preston Scott and discussed the Leon County Sheriff’s Office’s plans for crime reduction, including the ALLin LEON initiative. The initiative is a plan to bring community members and organizations together with the goal of reducing crime in Leon County. “It starts with the […]

Florida Sunshine Law Went Dark for Leon County School Meetings

Florida Sunshine Law Went Dark for Leon County School Meetings

After repeated requests by Tallahassee Reports, Leon County Schools finally provided information that indicates that LCS failed to properly follow Florida Sunshine Laws related to 45 agenda review meetings during the period covering January, 2017 to August, 2019. Specifically, LCS failed to properly produce complete minutes of the meetings and failed to audio record 10 […]

Sean Pittman Hired as Leon County Sheriff Lobbyist

Sean Pittman Hired as Leon County Sheriff Lobbyist

Public records indicate that Sean Pittman, who was the campaign manager for Sheriff Walt McNeil during the 2016 election cycle, is listed as the state lobbyist for the Leon County Sheriffs Office (LCSO) in 2019. Campaign records show that the McNeil campaign paid Pittman’s company, ESP Media, approximately $182,000 during the campaign for advertising and […]

Leon County Commissioner Rick Minor Appears on Above the Fold

Leon County Commissioner Rick Minor Appears on Above the Fold

On November 7th, Tallahassee Reports editor Steve Stewart interviewed Leon County Commissioner Rick Minor on Real Talk 93.3’s Above the Fold. Stewart and Minor discussed current issues that included the Blueprint Northeast Gateway Project and the Children’s Services Council. After serving as a Leon County Commissioner for about a year, Minor gave his initial impressions […]

City Commission to Consider $1.3 Million Purchase of Rose Printing Building

City Commission to Consider $1.3 Million Purchase of Rose Printing Building

The Tallahassee City Commission voted unanimously to purchase the Rose Printing building and acreage located off of Jackson Bluff road. Mayor Dailey said “this is an incredibly smart management move.” Original Story Next Wednesday, the City Commission will consider the purchase of the Rose Printing building.  The property, located on the southwest corner of Jackson […]

Planning Committee Chooses Top Priorities for Children’s Services Council

Planning Committee Chooses Top Priorities for Children’s Services Council

The Children’s Services Council Planning Committee will review a report on recommendations for the proposed Children’s Services Council of Leon County at its November 8th meeting. The report includes the organization’s vision, mission, goals, and priorities as determined by the Planning Committee. The meeting will be held at the Tallahassee Community College Ghazvini Center for […]

Lisa Brown Brings World View to County Commission Race

Lisa Brown Brings World View to County Commission Race

Lisa Brown stood before the African Development Educators Program in Nairobi earlier this year as their very first woman graduation speaker. As she looked over the crowd of people who came from all over the continent to learn how to solve development issues like housing, hunger, transportation, education and women’s issues, she thought about home. […]

Three Finalists Selected for Chief of Police

Three Finalists Selected for Chief of Police

In a meeting on Monday, the Community Partners Committee refined the list of candidates for the next Chief of Police to three finalists. The Community Partners Committee consists of community leaders from the faith, business and law enforcement communities in Tallahassee. The committee previously met on October 9th to consider the eligible applications and narrow […]