School Board Approves Two Employee Settlements

School Board Approves Two Employee Settlements

At its meeting on June 2, the Leon County School Board voted to approve settlements for two lawsuits filed by LCS employees. The first is a $13,000 settlement between Shannon Haire and Leon County Schools. “Ms. Haire is a school board employee who alleges that she was subjected to sexual harassment and assault by her […]

School Board Approves Emergency Purchase to Stock Food Pickup Sites

School Board Approves Emergency Purchase to Stock Food Pickup Sites

Today the Leon County School Board approved a $58,924.80 emergency purchase to stock the district’s food pickup sites. “The Nutrition Services Department is requesting approval for an emergency purchase relating to the operation of 16 Supplemental Food Pickup sites,” staff reports. “At these sites, students are able to pick up meals during the COVID-19 emergency.” […]

LCS to Form Task Force on Reopening Schools

LCS to Form Task Force on Reopening Schools

At the May 12 Leon County School Board meeting, Superintendent Rocky Hanna announced that the school district will form a task force for reopening Leon County Schools in the fall. The task force will be responsible for planning multiple components of the 2020-2021 school year, including issues related to the budget and the digital divide. […]

LCS Board Votes to Give $400,000 in “Pay Enhancements” to Administrative, Exempt Employees

LCS Board Votes to Give $400,000 in “Pay Enhancements” to Administrative, Exempt Employees

At the last Leon County School Board meeting, the Board voted unanimously to award $400,000 in non-recurring pay enhancements to administrative and exempt employees. The action was recommended by Superintendent Rocky Hanna. TR was told by Chris Petley, the LCS Coordinator of Communications and Media Relations, that the pay enhancement was presented as a non-recurring […]

School Board Discusses Grading, Graduation, and Distance Learning Concerns

School Board Discusses Grading, Graduation, and Distance Learning Concerns

The Leon County School Board discussed grading, high school graduation plans, and other distance learning issues at their April 28 meeting. Assistant Superintendent Gillian Gregory explained the Leon County School District’s plan for fourth quarter grades. Gregory said that students will continue completing homework through distance learning to generate fourth quarter grades. When grades are […]

LCS Gives Distance Learning Update

LCS Gives Distance Learning Update

In the Leon County Schools Distance Learning Update on April 20, Superintendent Rocky Hanna addressed common questions regarding distance learning as well as the district’s plans for high school graduation. LCS has been practicing distance learning since late March to prevent COVID-19 spread. On Saturday, April 18, Governor Ron DeSantis announced the Florida K-12 schools […]

Leon County Schools Need to Address Distance Learning Concerns

Leon County Schools Need to Address Distance Learning Concerns

Now that Florida Governor DeSantis has cancelled public school for the remainder of the year, a decision that was supported by Leon County Superintendent Rocky Hanna, Leon County Schools (LCS) need to address distance learning concerns. The cancellation of school now means that students, parents, and teachers will rely on Leon County’s version of distance […]

LCS Gives Update on Distance Learning Plan

LCS Gives Update on Distance Learning Plan

On March 19, Leon County Schools updated parents and students on its plans for distance learning in response to COVID-19. Currently, LCS is on spring break, which has been extended an additional week. Assistant Superintendent Gillian Gregory outlined the district’s instruction plan from March 30 to April 10, during which time parents are asked to […]

LCS Settles with EduLog Over Transportation System Dispute

LCS Settles with EduLog Over Transportation System Dispute

The Leon County School Board (LCSB), on the recommendation of Superintendent Rocky Hanna, voted to approve a mediated settlement agreement between LCS and and Education Logistics, Inc.(EDULOG). TR reported about the mediation back in January. EdulLog was the vendor involved with the failed attempt to upgrade the LCS transportation system last fall. The system was […]

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